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The AquaStation™ Refresh Pack


The AquaStation™ Refresh Pack


The AquaStation™ Refresh Pack offers an Eco Descaler™ solution and a replacement Activ360™ 4-Stage Filter to give your water machine a cleansing detox, so you can experience cleaner, great-tasting water every time.


After regular use, hard water can cause mineral build up in and on many of the inner functioning components, reducing the water flow, water temperature, power of the unit and the taste of the water. For safe and efficient operation of your unit it is important to descale regularly. Breville recommends conducting a descaling cycle no longer than 6-month intervals.


The filter change alert on all AquaStation™ dispensers is set at 90 days or approximately 200L of water, whichever comes first, with performance based on typical municipal drinking water quality, however, water quality may vary considerably from one area to the next which may affect the life of the water filter and more frequent replacement may be required.

Pack Includes:

Eco Descaler™ 100mL
Gently removes hard water scale in AquaStation™ water machines dispensing hot water. Resulting in better tasting water and a longer-lasting machine.

For Use Only With Hot Water Machines LWA200 & LWA600.

Activ360™ 4-Stage Fast Flow Filter

- Fast Flow Filtration; 3X Faster§ and 3X longer lasting˜; Activ360™ 4-Stage Filter; up to 1.3L of tap to filtered water in as little as one minute.

- Stage 1- Pre-Sediment Mesh Filter Filters microplastics and floating particles

- Stage 2- Ion-Exchange Resin Filter Filters limescale and metals

- Stage 3- Activated Carbon Filter Filters Pesticides and Chlorine

- Stage 4- Post Filter Filters fine particles

Filter is compatible with all AquaStation™ water dispsenser models.

Download Activ360™ Filter Replacement Instructions

§Compared to traditional jug filter flow rate claims. ˜Compared to traditional jug filter claims, based on recommend monthly replacement.