Breville’s air dehumidifier range helps you control mould and mildew around your home.
The air dehumidifier draws dampness from the air, condensing it into the water reservoir for disposal. Less humidity means less likelihood of mould. Air dehumidifiers help you control mould & mildew on ceilings and walls, condensation on windows, as well as restricting the spread of mould spores through the air. Breville’s range of air dehumidifiers offer a variety of smart features such as Live Humidity Control, air filtration, laundry mode for faster clothes drying as well as continuous drainage options. Choose the air dehumidifier that best suits your needs.
Air Dehumidifiers (8)
Air Dehumidifiers (8)
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Dehumidification for large rooms
Air Dehumidification for large rooms
Control humidity & air quality all year round
Air Dehumidification for Medium Rooms
Air Dehumidification for medium rooms
Air Dehumidification for Small Rooms
Re-useable moisture absorption designed for compact spaces to combat mould and mildew.
Re-useable moisture absorption designed for compact spaces to combat mould and mildew (drying base sold separately).