How to store coffee beans: The complete guide

One of the greatest joys to a coffee connoisseur is experimenting with different coffee beans and finding new favorites. When you make coffee at home frequently, you’re bound to build up a big supply of beans, but where is the best place to store them?

In this article, we’ll explain how to store coffee beans to keep your supply fresher for longer. High-quality coffee beans can be an expensive investment. Take good care of yours by using these strategies and you’ll be rewarded with more, better-tasting cups of your favorite daily ritual.

Lifespan of coffee beans 

So, how long do coffee beans last, exactly? Coffee beans can actually have quite a long lifespan when stored properly. 

Fresh, unsealed coffee beans can be expected to last up to 30 days at the very most. By taking good care of your beans and storing them properly, you can increase their longevity and prolong the amount of time you have to brew them before they lose flavor or get stale.

Factors that impact coffee freshness

Coffee beans are carefully prepared through a detailed roasting process to bring out complex and delicate flavors. To ensure that your coffee retains this harmonious balance, it’s key to avoid overexposing the beans to elements such as heat, moisture, air, and light. 

Here is a comprehensive overview of which factors impact coffee freshness the most, why they interact negatively with coffee beans, and how to prevent them from causing problems. 


Coffee beans do not bode well with excessively high or low temperatures outside of the coffee machine itself.

Put them too close to your cooking appliances and temperature fluctuations could ruin the beans by speeding up chemical reactions like oxidation. Store them in the freezer, and the beans could lose flavor or attract condensation. For the best results: 

● Store beans at room temperature or slightly cooler

● Avoid storing coffee beans near your stove or oven


High humidity and moisture can be harmful to coffee beans. 

Some people assume that storing coffee beans in the refrigerator with their other food items will help the ingredients last longer. However, coffee beans will actually draw in the moisture from the surrounding foods, ultimately lowering their quality and introducing foreign aromas to the fragrant beans. 

To avoid these outcomes: 

● Store beans in a completely dry area 

● When in doubt, opt for places where you would store grains 


It can be tempting to proudly display your beautiful coffee beans in a transparent container like a glass jar for their aesthetic appeal. However, this type of container can unfortunately be detrimental to the integrity of the beans. 

You’ll want to make sure that your beans are stored in a container that keeps them protected from excess UV and oxygen exposure. 

Air-tight storage vessels that you can firmly seal work best for this purpose.

● Keeping beans in their original packaging can be fine for short periods, but longer storage should be done a dedicated airtight container 

● Opt for a container that is opaque, not transparent


It’s important to store your coffee beans away from direct sunlight, because the powerful UV rays can negatively impact the flavor properties of the product. To best preserve your coffee beans, keep the coffee beans in a dark storage area and store them in a cabinet instead of the countertop.

How to store beans for maximum freshness

The secret of how to store coffee beans long-term lies primarily in combating the factors mentioned above. By keeping your beans stowed away in an opaque, airtight container that rests in a cool, dark area, you can preserve optimal freshness longer. 

You may also assume that using your coffee beans as soon as possible after roasting is the best way to optimize coffee freshness. However, this is not quite the case. 

In reality, experts recommend that you refrain from enjoying your coffee until a few days after the roasting process is complete. This is because coffee beans actually need time to “rest” after roasting so that their full body and flavor can develop.

Reasons to keep coffee beans fresh

Coffee beans can be costly investments. To reap as much enjoyment from your coffee bean purchases as possible, storing different types of coffee roasts properly is essential. 

More than that, preparing a good cup of coffee takes a lot of heart and soul. From the harvesting of the coffee beans to the intensive roasting process, all the way to your brewing temperature and method of choice: a lot goes into maintaining the integrity of coffee beans. 

You deserve to enjoy a truly delicious and aromatic cup every time you prepare a coffee beverage. Use these strategies to uphold your beans’ integrity and you’ll be rewarded with fantastic flavors. 

Of course, one of the most failsafe methods for always having fresh coffee beans on hand is to limit the quantity you buy in each batch. If you find that you’re consistently buying more beans than you can adequately use in a timely fashion, try decreasing the amount you purchase next time. 

Perfectly prepare your coffee beans with Breville

Once you’ve put in the effort to procure high-quality roasted coffee beans and adhere to all the best practices for storing them, you need premium equipment that can help you bring out their flavors to the fullest. 

No matter how you choose to brew your beans, Breville’s wide selection of professional-grade coffee machines and accessories will allow you to achieve cafe-quality beverages from the comfort of home. 

Shop our collection to unlock all the tools you need to brew the fresh coffee calling your name from the cool, dark cabinet. 



1. Lucky Goat Coffee. How Long Do Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans Last? ​​

2. Homegrounds. How To Store Coffee Beans (And Tips For Freezing Coffee Beans).

3. National Coffee Association USA. How To Store Coffee.

4. Sweet Maria’s Coffee Library. Storing Your Roasted Coffee.

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