Breville Commercial Blog

5 Pro Tips for Better Sous Vide Cooking
Posted 2020-09-08T10:27:00.000+10:00 by David Pietranczyk

The Sous Vide cooking method is quite simple. Food is prepped, packaged, cooked and then either chilled or finished. This technique achieves extraordinary culinary results with minimal training and effort. Throughout the cooking process there are some best practices to follow that will help enhance the quality and safety of the finished product.


Be mindful of seasoning




With regard to animal proteins, it’s important to consider your service period when seasoning foods with salt prior to cooking sous vide.


• If you’re going to cook your product and chill it after Sous Vide for service later, seasoning beforehand may create a firmer “hammy” texture.

• If you plan to serve or consume the product immediately after cooking, go ahead and season it with salt before vacuum sealing.

• Fats, herbs, and spices are often fine to join the party at any stage in the process.



Double Sear




For many proteins, it’s advisable to pre and post sear when cooking sous vide. Pre-searing has 3 key benefits. 


• It pasteurizes surface bacteria

• It begins Maillard flavor and aroma development

• It sets the shape of foods


    Post-searing re-crisps the exterior after softening in the sous vide bag.


    Chill before vacuum sealing

    It’s critical to chill the food to a core temp of 41ºF / 5ºC before vacuum sealing, even if you have not pre-seared. This will prevent the fluid trapped in the cellular structure of the food from boiling under vacuum. If this fluid is allowed to boil, it will rupture the cell walls resulting in food with an unpleasant & mealy texture.



    Cook at multiple temperatures




    This sous vide technique can be used across many proteins. With fish however, it really shines. Because we typically do not pre-sear fish (although you may), a quick blanch at 84ºC before cooking in a core temperature bath will benefit the end product.


    • The 84ºC bath will pasteurize surface bacteria. 

    • It will also create textural contrast from exterior to core, creating a far more texturally pleasing product.


      Step chill




      For many proteins, step chilling will enhance the texture of foods that have been cooked and are being chilled for reheating and service later.


      • Rest the product at ambient temperature on a cooling frack for 10 - 15 minutes based on size. 

      • Fill a sink basin with the coldest water that will come from the tap. Begin to cool the product in this water for 10 - 15 minutes based on size.

      • Fill the sink basin with new cold water and add enough ice to make a heavily iced bath. Chill the product for 2 hours or until a core temp of 41ºF / 5ºC is reached. Replenish the ice as needed.

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