Espresso Machines
Bambino Plus

Filter basket rinse

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your Bambino® Plus espresso machine are essential for getting the most out of your coffee-making sessions. Some cleaning processes should be taken care of before and after you use the machine, which will make for less effort in the long run. One such process is the filter basket rinse. Ensure the filter basket is cleaned before and after each use, so nothing comes between you and the full-bodied flavor of the espresso you brew. To clean the filter basket, make sure it is cool to the touch. Next, remove the portafilter and filter basket from the machine and rinse them both under hot water. This will remove any coffee oil residuals and grinds. You may notice that the holes in the filter basket are blocked with leftover coffee grinds from your last coffee-making session. To remedy this, dissolve one of the cleaning tablets included with your machine into a container of hot water. Next, soak the filter basket and portafilter in the solution for about 20 minutes. Then rinse the filter basket and portafilter thoroughly in hot water. Finally, dry them and place them back into the machine. You're now ready to brew the next delicious cup of brew!

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