Espresso Machines
Bambino Plus

How to create latte art: the heart

Once you've mastered the basic dot pattern using microfoam milk from your Bambino® Plus, you're ready to move on to more complex designs like The Heart. Considered an intermediate style of latte art, The Heart begins with the same method as The Dot, but with variations of technique at the end. Start by holding the jug of cold milk several inches above the cup of espresso, with the cup tilted. This will create a larger surface area of espresso for creating patterns with microfoam. Next, pour the microfoam milk in a constant stream to pierce the center of the crema. As the cup starts to fill with milk, gradually return the cup to an upright position while bringing the spout of the milk jug close to the surface of the coffee, nearly touching it. You'll start to see a white dot appear. Continue pouring the microfoam to make the dot larger. To make The Heart, when the cup is nearly full, pour the last of the milk through the dot, lifting the jug to finish the pattern. Once you've perfected making a heart, you can move on to more advanced patterns like The Tulip and Rosetta, which are explained in latte art tutorials taught by Professional Barista Leo Schmidt.

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